StatusFlamingo Rent a Car - Terms and Conditions

Rent a Car Madeira StatusFlamingo

Terms and Conditions


STATUSFLAMINGO, hereby rents the vehicle to the customer signing the terms and conditions of this document by virtue of which the customer acknowledges and agrees.

1. The Customer undertakes to return the vehicle in the same condition you received it. In case of con-compliance is subject to the following penalties:

a) Loss or destruction of the vehicle documentation, constitutes to the customer the obligation to compensate the company for 100€ for the inherent losses in particular for the expenses resulting from the issuance of duplicates of documentation and administrative expenses by the company.

b) A supply cost will be assigned if the vehicle shows lower fuel level than the one who had at the time of their removal (cost of refueling €15 plus the value of the missing fuel).

c) Clean, if the vehicle is returned in an unacceptable state (beyond normal use) and will be assigned a cleaning cost of maximum value of 60€; (according to the table in force presented by STATUSFLAMINGO).

d) In the event of damage to the vehicle the responsibility will be assigned to the client, or not, according to the insurance terms initially hired. See insurance clause in subparagraph 2.

2. Insurance.

a) A liability insurance, limited against third parties, in accordance with the laws of the country and is the customer’s responsibility the damage caused on the rental vehicle.

• Small "damages", small scratches and dents in windshields are charged according to the price list recommended by STATUSFLAMINGO, including the cost of immobilization of the vehicle, along with damage management administrative costs table, which will be available when collecting the vehicle.

• Any other damages not included in the list and / or other more serious damage (substantial damage preventing the return of the vehicle and call for their temporary withdrawal for repair) will be assessed by an independent expert and charged according to the same report or at budgeted cost of a repair shop.

• In case of accident the value of the trailer up or the rental station of origin.

This responsibility can be eliminated with a payment of an additional fee:

b) (C.D.W) Collision Damage Waiver, the customer undertakes in its sole discretion to pay an extra amount and the company is obliged to waiver the customer of any collision liability caused in the vehicle, above the value of the deposit except for damages made on the (rims, tires, Damage under the car, Damage under the engine,  Fines for parks, traffic fines, fuel system cleaning and vandalism), while being used in accordance with this rental agreement and the laws and regulations in force. The customer shall be fully liable for damage if the car is used or driven in violation of any closure of this contact, or any law or regulation;

c) (T.W) Coverage for theft or vandalism acts, the customer undertakes in its sole discretion, to pay an extra amount per day, according to the policy issued through the STATUSFLAMINGO

d) (P.A.I) Personal Accident Insurance, the customer undertakes in its sole discretion, to pay an extra amount per day, according to the policy issued through the STATUSFLAMINGO.

e) (S.C.D.W) Total Coverage, It has full coverage in the vehicle damage, except for damages made on the (rims, tires, Damage under the car, Damage under the engine,  Fines for parks, traffic fines, fuel system cleaning).

3. The driver’s minimum age is 23 years maximum 65 years and with a minimum of 3 year of experience, with a valid driving license in Portugal .

4. Said vehicle will only be driven by the customer and authorized drivers and will not be used in the following circumstances:

a) For the transport of goods in violation of customs regulation or that in any way is unlawful;

b) For the transport of goods or passengers in exchange of any compensation or implicit or explicit compensation;

c) To push or pull any vehicle or trailer;

d) For sport events;

e) By anyone under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.

5. The car is delivered with the warning triangle, the normal tools, a spare wheel, five marked tires, booklet and title of property registration, green card insurance, copy of the rental agreement signed by both parties and, if you have, inspection sheet.

6. The customer is responsible for fines, will be assigned and administrative cost of managing the fine process, up to the amount of 100€ per process. Note that these administrative costs are paid in addition to the fines referred to;

7. In case of accident, the vehicle’s towing to the original rental station, available 24 hours a day,

STATUSFLAMINGO assistance: +00351 291646598, +00351 963424149, ou +00351 925521142

Address: Rua Conselheiro Dr. Manuel José Vieira nº 35, 9000-005 São Martinho

8. In case of inadequate introduction of fuel in the vehicle, the customer is responsible for costs associated to the full replacement of fuel, dismantling and cleaning the tank, engine adjustment, trailer up to workshop and other damages to the vehicle;

9. The customer exempts STATUSFLAMINGO and its employees from any liability for loss or damage suffered in their belongings, or any other person, left or transported in the vehicle.

10. It is the company's responsibility if said vehicle be immobilized by mechanical reasons and not by reason of misuse, will be given a car of the same class or higher with no additional costs; No replacement car is provided in the event of an accident caused by the renter or mechanical failure due to negligence, nor is any rental amount refundable.

11. The rental ends on the date set by the customer. If you wish to extend the rental period, you should go to the nearest company’s rental station and update your rental agreements 24 hours before it ends. In case there is no consent it’s considered that the vehicle circulates without authorization and against the will of its owner, and such fact is punishable by law, and it is the customer’s responsibility. The customer must return the vehicle at the rental station, without specific permission, and within office hours.

12. If the vehicle is not returned to the site, date and time agreed in the contract, it is the customer’s responsibility to pay all the costs involved

13. The cost of rent, as well as complementary services that will acquire, must be paid at the beginning of the rental and will be based on the price list in effect. It should be left a refundable deposit corresponding the amount of the insurance to cover any damages. The deposit amount will depend on the group that the vehicle belongs and the valid price list.

14. In case of unavailability of the vehicle booked, the company ensures the customer to provide equivalent service or provide a greater range of vehicle but any additional cost, otherwise the company is obliged to return, within 30 days, sum paid by the tenant at the time of booking.

15. Furthermore, the customer agrees to protect the interests of lessor and the rental insurance company, and in case of accident during the rental period the client must act as follows:

a) Obtaining the name and addresses of the persons involved and witnesses;

b) Not declaring responsibility or guilt;

c) Not leaving the vehicle unattended without taking appropriate measures as to protect and safeguard;

d) Immediately, notifying the police.

16. In case of accident, loss, damage or theft, the occurrence must be immediately reported to the appropriate law enforcement authorities and STATUSFLAMINGO within 24 hours. The client commits itself to fill in the accident report with as much information as possible, otherwise the insurance options, SCDW and PAI, will be considered null and void.

17. Any amendments to the terms and conditions of this documents will be void unless they have been agreed in writing

18. The customer exempts STATUSFLAMINGO, as well as their agents and employees from any liability for loss or damage suffered in their belongings, or any other person, left or transported in the vehicle, received or stored by STATUSFLAMINGO at any time before, during or after the rental agreement.

19. STATUSFLAMINGO is not liable for delays or missed flights caused by malfunction or accident.